1. Senior Connects Program – This program promotes senior citizen computer and Internet literacy by supplying computers and training materials; or by building public computer labs and teaching senior citizens (and especially those seniors that are mobility impaired or lack reliable transportation)computer and Internet skills (www.seniorconnects.org).
2. Safe Connects Program – With Internet predators and chat room bullying, finding effective ways to educate children about Internet safety has become a critical issue that is not often addressed in our schools – and this Net Literacy program has established a “student-teaching-students/parents” model program for school systems throughout America (www.safeconnects.org).
3. Community Connects Program – Computer Connects’ is another Net Literacy program that has built hundreds of computer labs to increase computer access to the underserved (www.communityconnects.org).
4. Computer Connects – Every Saturday, from many schools gather to work together to repurpose thousands of computers in support of the Community Connects and Senior Connects programs. Student volunteers dispose of unusable computers in an EPA compliant manner, preventing computers and monitors from being delivered to landfills (www.computerconnects.org).
5. Financial Connects – Financial literacy is a critical life and job skills and this website includes 200 “best of web” financial literacy videos and interactive games after an exhaustive research project that included a review of more than 5000 financial literacy websites (www.financialconnects.org).