Rural America Weighs In
By Shirley Bloomfield – Last updated: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 – Share & Save ·
It was really gratifying to see an ex parte filed with the FCC yesterday from a number of outside groups and associations that represent rural America expressing concerns with the proposals published by the FCC in February and the impact those proposals could have had on broadband deployment. These entities – including the likes of the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Association of Counties, the Farm Credit Council, the Independent Community Bankers of America and Net Literacy – urged the FCC to undertake its current broadband-oriented efforts in a way that recognizes the unique challenges of providing communications services in rural America and further noted the landmark industry consensus letter filed by the small and large telecommunications providers. These rural-based groups recognized that the advancements in communications services in rural communities would not have been possible without USF and ICC support.
For a copy of the filing, please click 10 03 11 Ex Parte Ltr to FCC Chairman on 3rd Party Connections.