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Best of experiments with Google: Drawing – Quick, Draw!
A game where a neural network tries to guess what you are drawing in 20 seconds. The more that you play with it, the more it will learn. Overview 700,000 views.
Best of experiments with Google: The Teachable Machine
A no coding way to create machine learning models for project so that a computer can be trained to recognized images, sounds and poses. About 300,000 views.
Best of experiments with Google: Morse code experiments
Morse code for Gboard includes settings that allow users to customize the keyboard to their unique usage needs. Over 650,000 views.
Experiments with Google: All of the AI experiments
AI Experiments showcases experiments for students to explore machine learning through pictures, drawings, language, music and more.
From HubSpot: What is AI or machine learning?
This video offers an overview of the AI basics of artificial intelligence, bots, and machine learning and gives students what the coming revolution means for their day-to-day work and business. About 750,000 views.
From ColdFusionTV: What is AI exactly?
A video with a focus on the history and evolution of AI, ending with some of the most recent concepts and developments. 1,500,000 views.
From BBC News: What is artificial intelligence?
A short video that compares AI to the human mind. Key terms are introduced. Over 300,000 views.
From ColdFusionTV: AI Codes its Own “AI Child” – Artificial Intelligence breakthrough
Google’s auto machine learning has learned how to replicate itself, or a controller neural net can create a “child” model architecture which can be trained on a particular task. Over 1,100,000 views.
From Google: Machine Learning – Making Sense of a Messy World
A video that explains some of the types of AI and machine learning, and how this technology makes order in a messy world. Over 700,000 views.
From Google: Machine Learning – Solving Problems Big, Small and Prickly
A video where engineers and researchers explain in their own words why AI/ML is important to them and important to the world. Over 600,000 views.