Creekside Middle School will host an Internet safety informational meeting at 7 p.m. March 16 in the school auditorium, 3525 W. 126th St.
The program is intended for College Wood Elementary fifth-graders and their parents and Creekside sixth-graders and parents.
Because more and more students access the Internet and use sites that may encourage them to post personal information, Net Literacy, an organization that promotes appropriate Internet use, will host this 45-minute meeting. The presentation will help parents ensure that their children are going online safely.
Don Kent, president of Net Literacy, said a team of students from Carmel High School and Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School have developed program Safe Connects after receiving a grant from Youth as Resources, Lilly Endowment, Bright House Networks and the Techpoint Foundation in partnership with the Central Indiana Community Foundation. “This is a unique program,” Kent said. “High school students will teach fifth- and sixth-graders and their parents how to use the Internet safely.”
Carmel High School students who are involved include freshman Katherine Hill and juniors Kyle Egbert, Chris Gecewicz and Doug Snelling.